
The 16th of October we will activate the paid plans

You can keep using WAMA free of charge without any limit until the 16th of October, after that you will need to subscribe to a paid plan if the FREE Plan is not enough for you. We added the new subscription section where you can see the current plan and usage, the paid plans are already visible but the button to subscribe will be enabled only the 16th of October. If you need a paid subscription you have three days to do it, the limits will be enabled only starting from the 20th of October.

Why now I have to pay to use WAMA?

We started WAMA one year and half ago with the aim to build a software easy to use, without any need of maintenance, costly hardware and ready to be used from day one. Thanks to all the users feedback we kept improving it by fixing issues and adding new features. We want to continue on this road adding more and more features, many of them are already in development. In order to continue to build the app we need your help to pay the maintenance costs of the whole WAMA infrastructure (quite few servers, databases, monitoring tools, mailing service, taxes…). The 16th of October we will enable the paid plans, there will be always a FREE plan for user with little need of data storage. The subscription price is charged monthly, all the information can be found in the FAQ page.